Protect shielding households whilst gradually easing lock-down for others
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If the main aim is to protect the most vulnerable in society and our NHS, protect those who have received a shielding letter, as well as their family members who are currently registered at the same address. We can then allow other people, who are much less at risk and are considered to live in a 'safe' home, to gradually return to a new type of normal life. It is not practical to have members of a household going out to shops/work/social events only for them to return home to someone who is shielding. Concentrate on protecting these households by fully supporting them with online shopping, delivery of prescriptions, working from home or providing furlough payments. For people sharing a house with someone who is shielding, the Government can confirm with their employers that their address matches that of someone who is shielding. This would certainly lessen the financial burden on the Government who are currently making huge payments for businesses which have closed. Slowly open up everything to those who live in 'safe'households and allow them to return to work, so long as employers follow Government safety guidance. Also, make it mandatory to use a face covering to provide reassurance to those who are nervous about even attempting to move out of this lock-down.
Why the contribution is important
it allows most people to start getting back to some form of 'normal' life while allowing the Government and community to focus on households who need most protection.
by AW on May 06, 2020 at 11:15AM
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