Protect vulnerable populations

Maintain strict lockdown restrictions on all vulnerable populations including older folks and those with a variety of underlying conditions. Use data obtained thus far to set/validate these. For those not consider vulnerable, significantly lift restrictions and allow people to resume travel for work, leisure, education and exercise purposes.

Why the contribution is important

It would first and foremost ensure that we protect our most vulnerable, while protecting NHS resources and allowing the economy to restart. Scotland could show genuine leadership here by taking such a position. Appreciate that some additional conditions or considerations would be needed, but this is a broad strokes proposal intended to stimulate constructive discussion and debate.

by Mackien on May 06, 2020 at 09:52PM

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  • Posted by BUTEMACS May 06, 2020 at 22:08

    Absolutely agree.
  • Posted by Macfie May 07, 2020 at 00:05

    What a horrible and truly iniquitous suggestion. One that gives no consideration whatsoever to the needs and rights of the over 70s and those classed as vulnerable. Almost certainly would fall foul of age discrimination legislation. Unforgivably ignorant.
  • Posted by Luscious79 May 07, 2020 at 00:21

    I have asthma and as much as I need to be careful I want to return to work ASAP. I think vulnerable people already suffer financially by being sick more often and being stopped from returning to work could cause serious issues however I understand wanting to protect this group but there are large numbers of this group willing to stay home for 12 weeks like myself but I am not really willing to be seen as Vulnerable for an unlimited time.
  • Posted by Eallan May 07, 2020 at 07:32

    Yes I agree we need to continue to protect the shielded and vulnerable. However it is too early to start easing lockdown.
  • Posted by WBRnotes May 07, 2020 at 21:29

    I think there is a strong case for an age-related easing of restrictions WITHOUT necessarily imposing strict lockdown on all those 50+ or 60+. After all, we've not been part of strict lockdown (shielding) until now but many of us have been keeping to the lockdown ask. To date the UK governments have chosen to ignore WHO advice that those 60+ should be protected. Many 60+ are still in the workplace. In general, they are far more likely to be badly affected by coronavirus than those of the younger working population and considerably more likely to die if they are badly affected. Warwick University has issued a paper on a rolling age-release strategy: Age, Death Risk, and the Design of an Exit Strategy: A Guide for Policymakers and for Citizens Who Want to Stay Alive. If governments fail to protect older working people who can't work from home, they are leaving them at the mercy of employers not all of who will look after their staff well when it comes to matters such as these. Please take account of the science and statistics and protect older workers.
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