Proximity App for smart phones
Our programers are interested to be part of a team to produce a free proximity app which will alert if withing a pre set distance
Why the contribution is important
To keep a safe distance apart so called social distancing
by PlasticJock on May 08, 2020 at 10:27AM
Posted by Sulphonamide May 08, 2020 at 10:45
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Posted by PlasticJock May 08, 2020 at 12:55
There is a way to upload via a community app store, we are looking into this so it total transparent but in no way breaches any GDPR.......
It will be totaly proximity, not GPS and it is for use in factories, schools or any enclosed space so for example if you arrived at the school as a child you would upload the app at school with it own password encryption would be no use in a shopping mail or street ......but a shop like Tesco could enforce the usage of it.......
The simple questions are
1. Do we want to catch this encredibly potent virus??
2. Can we remember to stay 2m apart??
3. Do we want to go back to a lock down in 3 or 4 months time??
Finally the Scottish government could enforce us to all upload it with a common password so all that have it upload would get zapped if within that sounds dystopian!!
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