Public Transport
To allow social distancing capacity on public transport will require to be limited for some time to come. Particularly on trains I think the only way to manage capacity will be to set up a booking system whereby passengers will require to book a seat on a specific train. There must be a way to Train Operating Companies to set up such a system online and that would allow people to travel to work when they can book transport. Without a booking system I would envisage massive queues forming particularly at major stations such as Glasgow Central/Queen Street and Edinburgh Waverley/Haymarket
Why the contribution is important
There needs to be a plan for enabling people to return to work while still maintaining safe social distancing practices
by fmaver8266 on May 11, 2020 at 01:58PM
Posted by RuthBradley May 11, 2020 at 14:22
Is based on an entirely arbitrary and too simplistic understanding of the 2m distance recommendation.
The cloud of virus laden droplets from (coughing/snezzeing/talking/laughing/breathing) and dust(skin) rising from our clothes with dried virus nuclei (dried droplets) is NOT stationary or held to our bodies by some magical gravity.
Think about how a strong perfume drifts around an enclosed train carriage.
In public transport it only takes 1 infected passenger to put all occupants of the airspace at risk.
So limiting the numbers in the carriage reduces the ODDS of there being one or more infected passengers does not lower the contagion risk if an infected passenger is present.
The contagion risk is a function of (viral load in the air) x (exposure time).
A passenger sharing the cabin with contaminated air for 10 mins has less contagion risk than the driver occupying the cabin for the whole shift.
Have a hierarchy of needs based infection control:
For driver:
-instigate no contact with passengers, all fares by prepaid card only
-isolate the drivers cabin so that air is not circulated into drivers area from passenger area.
-driver not to enter passenger area for any reason, use different door if possible or enter with minimal contact with handled surfaces if not.
-drivers issued with hand sanitiser and n95 style masks
-drivers on minimal rotation between different vehicles to facilitate contact tracing and minimise cross contamination if one falls ill
Bus companies to have comprehensive deep cleaning practices daliy with trained staff in appropriate ppe.
For passengers:
-hand sanitiser at some point before entering vehicle as near to door as suitable.
-mandatory mask mask wearing
-awareness notices on how to minimise contamination of the vehicle
-no eating/drinking
notice that passengers need to accept duty of care for their own infection control and that any use of public transport increases exposure risk
High Risk individuals should not use at all
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Posted by Gracieo3 May 11, 2020 at 14:27
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Posted by fmaver8266 May 11, 2020 at 17:06
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