Pupils return to current stage regardless of when we return to school

Pupils & teachers alike need time to adjust & accept things have seriously changed. Teachers will need extra time to assess pupils’ learning & needs, plan for change, next steps & transition for all ages & stages. Pupils will need time to get used to the new routines & rules of school, so keeping staff & classrooms/environments familiar as much as possible would help. We could potentially lose a third of a school year & then even more time could be lost while being phased back in to school so therefore it would be an idea for pupils to remain in their current year groups & at the same time this could allow our school starting age to be changed in the future. This in turn would allow for a kindergarten stage which would aid the development of pupils through relationship centred & play based learning, as well as adhering to the rights of a child.

Why the contribution is important

It is important to recognise the need to protect the mental health of all! (adults & children)
Transition for all (adults & children) is also necessary to rejoin society which is now filled with fear & anxiety.

by Lynness7 on May 06, 2020 at 08:20AM

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  • Posted by Mjgallacher May 06, 2020 at 09:02

    A school has professionals within the building that can teach to the stage and ability in front of them. Whilst they may have missed physical schooling, their education will have continued at home in some shape or form.I would move classes on, keeping the momentum and offering a new beginning as it were.
  • Posted by Heatherm May 06, 2020 at 09:02

    Yes! Infact we will most likely witness a huge regress in what has been retained so far by most students this academic yest.
    I suggest, where nessesary, remaining in the same year group regardless of where you finished up unless a place at college, university or apprenticeship had already been worked towards and the places still remain. The above agencies NEED TO FULLY acknowledge the sudden changes put upon these individuals and see that they are treated fairly.
  • Posted by Finlayson1934 May 06, 2020 at 09:25

    I agree, I believe that for successful transitions (when safe to do so) children should resume where they left off. This gives a chance to settle back with teachers/EYPs they have positive relationships with then a transition period would be rolled out (just as it would be normally around May/June). Transitions are a significant part of development and health and well-being and the Scottish Governments main aspirational aim is to give all children in Scotland the best start in life - therefore we need to get transitions right so that children enjoy their school life.
  • Posted by Mchell May 06, 2020 at 09:37

    Move into next classes some kids abilities are ahead of the year they are in anyway and all are treated in classes as individuals. I have a p7 going to s1 and her teacher has provided plenty of work for their class to be at the level the need or ahead.
  • Posted by ElBee May 06, 2020 at 09:52

    I agree with HeatherM, some transition years should move ahead, but I do believe the rest of the children/ young people should stay in their current year groups after the summer and should not progress to the next 'level' as it were.

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