Put in law the right for people to work from home

Obviously some occupations this will not be possible but there are ways to ensure people are productive at home and would reduce congestion and pollution.

Too many employers think working from home is not working but with the increase in technology this is not the case. We won't be able to go back to full offices but people may feel pressure to return. Putting something into law would put the onus on employers to facilitate this which would have benefits.

Why the contribution is important

Reduce congestion and pollution.
Reduce 'presentee-ism'.
Open up employment potentially to some under-represented ie disabled.

by jo37scot on May 09, 2020 at 09:56PM

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  • Posted by Julie May 10, 2020 at 02:12

    Short term home working during this emergency situation is fine but long term home working requires very specific policies, procedures and risk assessment to protect both the employee and the employer.

    It has to be assessed on the basis of the job role and the suitability of the individuals home circumstances. Sitting hunched over a laptop sitting on a hard chair at a dining room table is fine short term or for the odd project but longer term the seating, screen height etc needs to be properly set up in the same way it is in an office environment.

    There are also considerations of confidentiality, the employer may not want confidential documents removed from their premises or left open on a screen for any member of the household (or visitors) to see on the kItchen table.

    There are insurance implications.

    For an employer who has not worked with home working before they will also need to consider how they move to measure by output and how they appropriately support and supervise home workers.

    There is a very long list of checks for home working, so an employer should not be forced By law to allow it if it is just not suitable.

    Like the flexible working regulations they could perhaps be asked to fully consider it as there are potential benefits as the person suggesting this has outlined, particularly when social distancing will apply for some time to come and hit desking no longer appropriate.

    Some organisations will have experience of managing home working which they could no doubt share.

  • Posted by AlexMD May 10, 2020 at 07:39

    No. Too many unintended consequences.
  • Posted by Clairelwhyte38 May 10, 2020 at 08:07

    To reduce the risk of spreading allow employees and employers to work together to enable them to work from home when practical.
  • Posted by Hamsterpus May 10, 2020 at 08:09

    Skivers delight
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