Put in place safe active travel routes

Create safer routes for travelling by bike / scooter.

Features to consider including:
* Closed roads
* Protected / coned areas/lanes on roads
* Limit parking to one side of a road
* Introduce one-way restrictions on many streets

Why the contribution is important

Enable people to move through urban areas in a safer manner whilst preserving limited public transport spaces for those who need it.

Many more are travelling by bike / walking and should be encouraged to do this. To encourage them, more protected space is needed.

by DefinitelyNotBoris on May 05, 2020 at 01:11PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 3.8
Based on: 14 votes


  • Posted by sheilacastle May 05, 2020 at 15:45

    Not directly Covid related? More a general idea
  • Posted by sheilacastle May 05, 2020 at 15:45

    Not directly Covid related? More a general idea
  • Posted by gerardk May 05, 2020 at 18:20

    not virus related, just ideology pushing. focus on the current pandemic, have cyclists no shame?!?
  • Posted by marcro May 06, 2020 at 15:20

    Good idea, need more space for these modes of transport to support social distancing, also have to consider as we move out of lockdown people wont want to use crowded buses or trains, and this would help encourage people not to fill the roads with cars but instead go by bike
  • Posted by Jules101 May 06, 2020 at 17:56

    It is Covid related.

    * Need for social distancing
    * Keep people off public transport in longer term (social distancing issues)
    * If - when all back to work - and people move to using cars more than they were before (to avoid public transport) then roads will be more and more crowded and more pollution.

    So enhanced measures to get active travel routes up and running more quickly, and support for active travel measures should a priority.

    And that isn't counting the health benefits which will be seen /reduced impact on health service even if as few at 1-2% of people adopt more active travel. If an additional 5% or more adopt "active travel" in future the benefits to the nation's health and reduced pressure on health service will be huge!
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