Re-calibrate through a Green lens

I applaud the Scottish Government for publishing this. There are definitely hints in it that they recognise that we cannot just go back to ‘business as usual’ despite the many vested interests that will lobby for this. I would like to argue for a better way of valuing work, as currently many of our applauded ‘key workers’ are actually very poorly paid for their labour. It would be good to recalibrate through a Green wellbeing lens, and pay everyone a Universal Basic Income, to level up and add value to the economy. Clearly it is more possible for people to work at home than anyone would have thought, reducing single use car travel, and seeing more people walking and cycling.

Why the contribution is important

Because we need a better deal for many people in our communities. We need to end the shabby treatment of those on benefits that they are entitled to claim, those with disabilities, lone parents, recently young and unemployed, and others. We need a better local democracy, particularly in relation to Planning and decision making, to re-balance the needs of developers and the needs of communities. It is notable that developers are continuing to put plans into our local authorities at this difficult time for Councils, with reduced staffing and meetings going on. We need to level up income for all, to end the glaring inequalities in our Society. Could we look at Iceland, where there is the lowest gap between the haves and the have-nots, and that has been the case for many years.

by FionaMM on May 08, 2020 at 03:14PM

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  • Posted by CMcIlroy May 08, 2020 at 15:26

    Universal income
    Credit where due not because that’s how it’s always done
    Be clear about what is valued and transparent about how the community affords it
  • Posted by Julie May 08, 2020 at 15:32

    This is indeed an opportunity to make society better.
  • Posted by Telselvester May 08, 2020 at 17:02

    This is an opportunity for us to really challenge norms on lifestyles and how to make them greener. But if greener lifestyles are to become a reality/expectation then that needs to be built into political dialogues now so that people can see expectation and impact.
    Data on green impacts while emissions are down would be helpful to enable folk to compare and contrast.
    Digital and home working options need to be accelerated to show how successful work and leisure adaptations during lockdown can afford greener outcomes sustainably in the long term for our country.
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