Re-opening nurseries to other categories of workers
As we look ahead to re-opening our nurseries to other categories of workers, there are some fundamental elements that need to be included in plans:
1. As we are coming into the summer months, can Care Inspectorate look at registering our outdoor spaces for children even though they might not tick all the boxes e.g. outdoor toilets. That way we could run with something close to our registered number of children with 1/2 inside and 1/2 outside for most of the day. That would allow us to get all our staff team back to work and allow us to run a sustainable business while reducing the risk to children and staff of all being in close proximity.
2. As a nursery that has been open during this crisis, we have introduced a number of changes to the way we offer our service. It would be a good idea if government (local and central) worked with some of the private sector nurseries that are open to gain some insight into the things that have worked in helping us to keep our children and staff safe.
3. Social distancing is not a realistic prospect with under 5's, how do you tell a 1/2/3 year old that they need to stay 2 metres from each other. We can sit them apart for meals or story time but not when they play, socialise, share and play together, is a critical part of their development.
4. Wearing PPE other than the normal use of gloves and aprons is not a realistic option. We are settling children into the nursery, they need to be able to identify us as individuals in order to establish that nurturing bond.
1. As we are coming into the summer months, can Care Inspectorate look at registering our outdoor spaces for children even though they might not tick all the boxes e.g. outdoor toilets. That way we could run with something close to our registered number of children with 1/2 inside and 1/2 outside for most of the day. That would allow us to get all our staff team back to work and allow us to run a sustainable business while reducing the risk to children and staff of all being in close proximity.
2. As a nursery that has been open during this crisis, we have introduced a number of changes to the way we offer our service. It would be a good idea if government (local and central) worked with some of the private sector nurseries that are open to gain some insight into the things that have worked in helping us to keep our children and staff safe.
3. Social distancing is not a realistic prospect with under 5's, how do you tell a 1/2/3 year old that they need to stay 2 metres from each other. We can sit them apart for meals or story time but not when they play, socialise, share and play together, is a critical part of their development.
4. Wearing PPE other than the normal use of gloves and aprons is not a realistic option. We are settling children into the nursery, they need to be able to identify us as individuals in order to establish that nurturing bond.
Why the contribution is important
Since going into lockdown we have been running with approx. 20% of our registered number of children and a reduced staff team, this is not financially sustainable in the longer term.
As private nurseries, we would much sooner be part of designing the solution rather than have it handed down to us.
As private nurseries, we would much sooner be part of designing the solution rather than have it handed down to us.
by TheKidzStop on May 06, 2020 at 03:57PM
Posted by Jb May 06, 2020 at 19:00
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Posted by Nurseryowner May 06, 2020 at 19:02
Excellent point about using outdoor spaces effectively.
Our nursery has been open to Key Workers' children throughout. We have risk assessments in place, rigorous hand washing, drop off and pick up outside the building etc, but I would like to point out that we have had NOT A SINGLE suspected or confirmed case, which is the same for the vast majority of nurseries which have remained open. We already know that there is an extremely low risk of transmission of this particular virus with young children. So allow the private nurseries to re-open, to do our jobs caring for the children, and help bring the economy back from the brink.
PRIVATE NURSERIES WILL NOT SURVIVE UNTIL AUGUST if we continue at 15% capacity for category 1 keyworkers' children only.
Please consult us! We CAN help design the solution!
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Posted by Sarahj May 07, 2020 at 07:00
I think if staff need to wear PPE then they need to wear PPE. If this will not be possible as children will be upset (which I agree they might, and no one wants that!) then nurseries cant open. Staff cant be at risk?
One of the concerns about opening to all children is the amount of different families travelling all over to get to the nurseries, children may not transmit but their parents do?
Also staff.....will public transport be running to allow them to come in?
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