Re opening tennis, skiing and sailing clubs

Re opening tennis, skiing and sailing clubs that allow children and adults to exercise and socialise at a safe distance

Why the contribution is important

Re opening these kinds of clubs will allow some to return to a more normal way of life, exercising and socialising and easily keeping a safe social distance. It would enable coaches and staff to return to work

by Gavandheather on May 05, 2020 at 02:11PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.5
Based on: 9 votes


  • Posted by Mthomso May 06, 2020 at 09:19

    Tennis clubs should be able to make courts bookable and adhere to social distancing within family groups or “bubbles”.
  • Posted by Dave_H May 08, 2020 at 10:59

    There are a whole raft of outdoor sports that can be carried out alone or in small groups with no risk. these include sailing, hill walking, golf, tennis, skiing, cycling etc.

    People need to be allowed out of their houses for more than just 1 short walk each day. Allow a bit more freedom for more types of responsible outdoor leisure activity and the people will have much more respect for the other more risky things that remain prohibited for the time being.
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