Reduced school/work hours

Children attend school two days a week, adults attend work three days a week (wherever possible), with structured home learning and working from home in the interim. An allowance for flexible learning/working available, meaning extra time off can be earned by studying or working on evenings and weekends.

This could be institution-wide, to allow for deep cleaning while all staff and students are off, or staggered so that many fewer children and workers are in the building at the same time.

Why the contribution is important

Not only have I observed efficiency actually increase over lockdown, as my friends who are working from home enjoy the lack of distraction and added home comforts, but I have seen mental wellbeing drastically improve, making them more productive as well as happier. Switching to a Nordic model of a four-day workweek would be drastic, but staggering or facilitating more at-home study and work would ensure our new normal is more balanced and better for everyone, not just for "these strange times" but for a stronger, pioneering Scotland in the long run.

by bethanyrscott on May 05, 2020 at 02:01PM

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Based on: 15 votes


  • Posted by Sarahj May 05, 2020 at 14:37

    I think moving forward three or four day weeks should be enforced in all sectors so that family time is given just as much priority as “work”.
    This would also encourage people to hopefully slow down, appreciate the little things and take something positive from the enforced downtime
  • Posted by Kirklistonjohn May 06, 2020 at 02:24

    Remote teaching should be increased but be more focused and teacher led - especially create the opportunity for one to one video links for tutorials between teacher and pupil.
    This would take the weight of parents especially key workers and those working at home and tap in to the vast teacher at home resource.
  • Posted by Jarob24 May 10, 2020 at 07:58

     Good thinking.
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