Refinement of Shielded Status
At present, the shielding measures are a bit of a catch all with highest risk people (transplant recipients etc) grouped with people at, I assume, lower risk. As a fit and otherwise healthy person, although mildly immuno-suppressed, I believe a grading or risk assessment exercise is required to enable as many shielded people as possible to enjoy the recently announced likely relaxations of the current lock down while still avoiding high people density situations and distancing difficulties.
Why the contribution is important
Prolonged lockdown has, at best, an insidious effect on everyone. Morale and mental health are being eroded as time goes on. Once lockdown is relaxed, imagine the impact on any individual who was denied the ability to visit family when their spouse was able to do so. Devastating for both.
The proposal to consider small groups of friends to meet in suitable open space (golf course I presume fits this ?) is an excellent idea. The boost to overall wellbeing is massive and needs to be as inclusive as possible.
The proposal to consider small groups of friends to meet in suitable open space (golf course I presume fits this ?) is an excellent idea. The boost to overall wellbeing is massive and needs to be as inclusive as possible.
by david_aberdeen on May 05, 2020 at 03:27PM
Posted by JohnT May 05, 2020 at 15:54
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Posted by bank65 May 05, 2020 at 16:58
Highlighting the beneficial changes to lifestyle choices that people, who are at risk, could make.
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Posted by sandiegee May 05, 2020 at 18:57
Re the comment about going out if you want to - some of us do as we're asked! People going out because they want to is what is causing the delay for the rest of us coming out of lockdown
I'd certainly be interested in the demographics but as we can't even get an accurate R I'd think it'd be highly unlikely that we'd get accurate stats for this
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Posted by activeandvibrant May 10, 2020 at 17:44
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