Regional lockdowns

Regional lockdowns. Shetland has not had a single case in weeks. So by keeping social distancing, more frequent hygiene measures and common sense (no large parties/events, at least for a while) it would bump up social and economic life while still keeping vigilant. If cases restart to rise and tracing becomes difficult, revert back to a two week lockdown. This will allow for a much more sustainable running of the country, while avoiding the health and economic consequences of extensive non-stop lockdowns.

The big caveat of this policy is if people travel continuously in between people would have to be responsible and not flock to places where more strict rules have been lifted.

Why the contribution is important

It will allow for a more focused attack on the virus (if virus is high in Glasgow at one time, send tracing and PPE resources there, etc) while at the same time allowing for at least a fraction of education, trade and life to go on, in a safe way.

by TMarcos on May 06, 2020 at 06:09PM

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Based on: 11 votes


  • Posted by DavidMcNally May 06, 2020 at 18:53

    Fair idea. The leader of Invercylde Council also suggested this given that area has been affected quite badly. Might be difficult to police though, preventing travel in and out a particular region.
  • Posted by Marty May 06, 2020 at 19:10

    The Uists have had no confirmed cases. Six cases in total in the Western Isles with no new cases in over 20 days.

    It seems to me that lifting the lockdown restrictions whilst maintaining the restricted ferry service to the Uists will improve the quality of life & the economy. The proposed tracing, tracking and isolation can easily be implements in the event someone developing symptoms.
  • Posted by VMCBD May 06, 2020 at 19:48

    Surely lifting the restrictions in island communities while benefitting the communities would only add to the incentive to those who are already foolish enough to try to 'get away' from higher risk areas? My view is that there should be a more blanket approach for the next 3 weeks and then consider phasing restrctions in areas which have held consistently low/ no numbers.
  • Posted by theresasheldon May 06, 2020 at 19:58

    Maybe areas on rotation to open spo that isn't too crowded. Morningside is very busy, maybe only allow certain streets in the vicinity to visit at any particular time!
  • Posted by Dickybeau May 06, 2020 at 21:02

    I think the Skye outbreak shows a need for this. It would be difficult to police but it should be possible to ban tourism and second home owners for short periods to help suppress the virus. After all they could possibly take it back home with them when they left. Compensation might be a problem.
  • Posted by Susan May 06, 2020 at 21:27

    Relaxing restrictions on islands, rather than removing them, whilst maintaining restrictions on travel to them, sounds feasible.

    Everyone would need to know what restrictions still applied, that there was adequate testing / tracing capability, and what would happen if more cases appeared.
  • Posted by MSW68 May 08, 2020 at 11:16

    Lifting more restrictions in Islands and remote areas that have a lower rate of infection than cities is only fair on the businesses in these rural locations, if it gets abused or leads to people from cities travelling to rural areas (e.g. for a haircut) it can be rescinded and UK wide restrictions re-imposed.
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