Relax rules on Electric Scooters to aid commuting

I live in a very rural area and too far from a town for this idea to be of benefit to me, however I am aware that in urban areas there are many people who live just too far from their place of employment or education for walking to be a realistic option but would benefit from personal electric powered transport such as electric scooters.
Currently these cannot be used legally on the roads or pavements, however with strict regulation of maximum speed to 15mph they could be allowed to use the roads or cycle routes subject to the same rules as cycles.
Most scooters are foldable so can easily be taken into a workplace for security and charging, and are considerably cheaper than folding bikes.

Why the contribution is important

This idea would help reduce the number of people using public transport, and hence lower the risks of infection, but without increasing the number of cars on the road.
It would help normalise the idea of electric powered transport, which for a country that already has a very high renewables capacity has to be beneficial for both the environment and in reducing our national spend on transport.

by Pyrogaz on May 09, 2020 at 09:31AM

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Based on: 9 votes


  • Posted by davidcoffield May 09, 2020 at 09:39

    100% agree. The anti electric scooter stuff is nonsense. I would love one to use to get back to work. I do think they should be speed limited mind you.
  • Posted by GraemeBrown May 09, 2020 at 09:54

    Yes I agree. I have been using mine to go to doctors and pharmacy, allows me to stay away from others and get a to b quickly and safely. I am staying on the pavements as they are not road legal but should be considered for sharing with bike paths. Would welcome the government agreeing to this, low environment impact and cheap transport, 6 months bus pass is the same cost for something I use daily for 2 years.
  • Posted by Islander64 May 09, 2020 at 10:15

     What about electric assisted bikes? They’re safer, legal and about the same price...just park it like a normal bike and remove the battery for charging.
  • Posted by Johnjul May 09, 2020 at 10:26

    These are no different thanks an electric bicycle so, absolutely yes but keep to pavements. Roads are still too dangerous with too many cars. Personally I feel cycle routes should be on the pavement not the road.
  • Posted by PaultheMason May 09, 2020 at 10:31

    I used to live in Barcelona where they are everywhere and so many people die because they have a false sense of security while being on these death traps. People dont feel the same sense of vulnerability as they do on a bike and tend to not wear helmets or any form of protective gear. I prefer for people to be using e-bikes ect as I think they fufil the same criteria and are significantly more safer.
  • Posted by jo37scot May 09, 2020 at 22:03

    E scooters strewn everywhere is a real issue in many European cities. Plus people don't ride them responsibly in my experience. You can't hear them coming and they go too fast. Agree with guy above, not a massive fan of e bikes but think they are safer and have safer users generally.
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