relaxation for single person households

I fully accept that keeping the R number below one is crucial however the 'stay at home' guidance particularly impacts on single person households. The idea of 'bubbles' has been raised and I would wish the possibility of allowing single person households to include in that 'bubble' either one other single person household or one other household to be considered.

Why the contribution is important

I am aware that the 'stay at home' guidance is causing considerable difficulties for all households depending on individual circumstances. I am however aware that the emotional impact for single person households is particularly difficult especially if the person is either not working or working from home. This results in the individual having no face to face social contact. I am also aware that people with mental health problems can find long periods on their own particularly difficult often resulting in an impact on their mental health.

by REB on May 05, 2020 at 01:07PM

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  • Posted by tamarahk May 05, 2020 at 14:14

    Excellent point. I live alone and have a history of depression. I haven't seen family or friends in 2 months.

    I think the idea of a 'bubble' should be looked into and applied as a mean's to ease the country out of lockdown. Current restrictions are too severe to continue indefinitely.
  • Posted by Rachel_T1502 May 05, 2020 at 19:35

    Definitely valid comments
  • Posted by Milliecat50 May 06, 2020 at 09:40

    I agree. Isolated individuals cannot continue this way. A small change eg a bubble friend etc will make a huge difference. My experience of isolating household is that they have kept isolated so to connect 2 households like that is worthwhile and very doable.
  • Posted by Christina May 09, 2020 at 18:43

    Absolutely. I was already brutally isolated and lonely before all this, but had finally slowly started to find new people to interact with. I fell into deep darkness when this was so suddenly taken away from me and I was back to zero, having only myself and my destructive mind 24/7. It's getting worse for each day I'm not allowed to have any social interaction.
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