Remove VAT on bicycles

To encourage more people out on bikes when public transport usage has to be reduced, we should remove all VAT to reduce the prices and barrier to entry.

Could also apply to e-scooters which are being introduced in England with immediate effect

Why the contribution is important

Public transport is likely to run at a tenth of capacity with social distancing in place and we don't have capacity for many more cars on the road. Encouraging more cycling and other means of transport is critical at this time.

by timk on May 09, 2020 at 04:11PM

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  • Posted by Wulan19 May 09, 2020 at 16:21

    Government needs all the money it gets at the moment, so don't think it's the right time, and a second hand bike isn't that expensive.

    I would like to see bike theft taken more seriously though, prevention measures and punishments. I'm sure it puts a lot of people off, I have to hike my bike up stairs to store in my flat in order for me the keep ownership of it, after having one stolen form the bottom of the tenement stair.

  • Posted by ellied1 May 10, 2020 at 08:07

    I agree in principle but also see the need for govt to have income. So if taxes are generated from purchases, I do hope they'll invest that income in improving cycle accessible paths and increasing safe road cycling in particular so that those who have built up a level of interest and fitness during lockdown are able to continue for commuting or local social activities rather than jump in a car by default in future.

    The more drivers who also cycle, the better understanding between road users and the fewer cycling fatalities due to not being noticed let alone active road rage
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