Reopen Scottish Golf courses

We should reopen Scottish golf courses subject to strictly social distancing and spacing rules. It's a great outdoor activity that brings health benefits to anyone participating. It will also allow courses to rehire hundreds of support staff that have been furloughed. Finally, clubs are under significant financial pressure from members withholding subscriptions because of the closure and reopening will remove this pressure, potentially saving a number of local clubs from closing permanently.

Why the contribution is important

It helps the community, rehires furloughed staff and potentially saves clubs from going bust.

by amckerr on May 05, 2020 at 01:51PM

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  • Posted by dvd8n May 05, 2020 at 14:09

    All solo outdoor sports, or sports that allow distancing, should be allowed to resume.
  • Posted by tommyj12 May 05, 2020 at 14:09

    Absolutely agree with the above post. The only thing right now you're not allowed to do on a Scottish golf course Last weekend I saw football matches on putting greens, people driving bicycles on golf course tee ground and putting greens, teenagers hosting bbqs on the course (with a hammock) without paying any attention to social distancing guidelines.

    If golf courses truly were off limits, I'd be happy to continue with the full lockdown. However, golf courses very much are open to everyone except for dues paying members of golf clubs to play golf.
  • Posted by Peterivins May 05, 2020 at 14:11

    Has to be the right thing
    Outdoor sport that can easily be controlled with social distancing and low risk especially if laying with members of own family
  • Posted by wraightshepherd May 05, 2020 at 14:11

    Excellent idea. Spreads the load of outdoor exercise over wider areas (Golfers would otherwise be exercising elsewhere). Effective social distancing in golf was well practised before lockdown, without any known incidents of transmitting the virus.
  • Posted by CRCAitken May 05, 2020 at 14:11

    Councils are actively preventing green keepers from going back to work even though they can easily practice social distancing. However the more work they are left to do would make social distancing more difficult. Committee members are been given lip service and in some cases, complete walls of silence from councillors and local MP
  • Posted by Peterivins May 05, 2020 at 14:11

  • Posted by Hunter1 May 05, 2020 at 14:11

    It is madness not to allow us to go out on our Golf Courses that we are all still paying for. We can easily social distance on a course and why should I not play a game with my son who lives with me!!! Many people are walking around my course and ruining it when we could be playing and exercising. Please gat them opened asap.
  • Posted by Graeme100 May 05, 2020 at 14:15

    Completely agree as it provides exercise, being in the fresh air, helps with mental well being. If too soon to completely open the whole golf club facility, open the courses alone, even for singles play only to begin with. Just a thought.
  • Posted by Haffer May 05, 2020 at 14:15

    should never have ceased in first instance and provides a safe environment for exercise
  • Posted by Johnhwuk May 05, 2020 at 14:15

  • Posted by steff May 05, 2020 at 14:20

    I whole heartedly agree with this post.
    Golf is one of the easiest sports that can follow all the guidelines.
    Before the lock down golf clubs had put in place several of the guideline eg clubhouse and locker rooms were closed, not allowed to touch the flag stick, rakes had been removed from bunkers etc.
    It is also a great form of exercise for all ages, with plenty of fresh air....
    Prior to this hellish pandemic Golf Clubs were struggling to survive any help the we can give to enable them to survive should be supported.
  • Posted by Richs May 05, 2020 at 14:21

    Not a golfer but this makes perfect sense to allow golf this in small groups, easy to social distance and will help many people with mental health
  • Posted by Killieboy May 05, 2020 at 14:27

    If, as reported that it will be 2 balls at 10 minute intervals, this will create havoc at golf clubs. 12 players per hour! Our club has 750 members! There is no reason for this and 4 balls at 7 minute intervals should be started.

    You can go to the supermarket, fast food places, walk down the beach, walk across the golf course, but you can't play golf? It makes no sense.

    Reading some other comments, then some clubs will have some big repair jobs to do on the course which is expensive enough when clubs are struggling.

    It is very easy to stay at least 2 metres apart on a golf course.!!
  • Posted by stuart May 05, 2020 at 14:31

    for fitness,health, and mental health not to mention all the financial issues safe golf courses must open
    or they will be lost forever...........what a legacy for Scotland to lose them unnecessarily.

    there own members will police the guidelines strictly as they are used to following rules, and players could even be banned for any any misbehaving by there own members /colleagues.
  • Posted by DonaldShaw May 05, 2020 at 14:31

    Dear First Minister,
    As someone in the later years of life I find it hard to understand the reasoning behind the closure of golf courses in Scotland, while I completely agree with the need for social distancing, I would like to point out the real benefits to allowing courses to reopen as soon as possible. Golf is a game which by definition of the way it is played at grass roots level requires social distancing . The benefits of fresh air, healthy exercise, and a certain amount of social intercourse are all things that most doctors would recommend for all of us. If as reported in most golf blogs and social media the UK government may open golf course by the 11th May, the golfers in Scotland would find it very difficult to accept that Scotland should not follow suit.
    Donald Shaw
  • Posted by Willyscotsman May 05, 2020 at 15:04

    I suggest that the golf course be utilised for the individuals and families who have no access to a garden or a garden so small that it is ineffectual. This would ease the pressure on public parks and beaches and give access to anyone. Everyone deserves as much rights to open spaces, fresh air and some vitamin D in all of Scotland.
  • Posted by innesian May 05, 2020 at 15:14

    In addition to the rationale given at the top of this discussion and the many good comments here, may I just add that I am concerned about the amount of activity - some of it destructive - on golf courses which given credence to the notion that people can do many things on golf courses except play golf. I very much hope there can be a constructive conversation with golf clubs and the relevant golf bodies to open up golf to the public in a way that is safe for all.
  • Posted by CJ1993 May 05, 2020 at 15:40

    It makes more sense for people to be able to use golf courses for walking or running right now. The pavements are so narrow, it's difficult to socially distance. If golfers used the courses, the numbers that could safely use these areas would be greatly reduced. Most people don't golf nor have access to the expensive gear, this would cut off areas to people who are less likely to have gardens to make more space for people who probably do.
  • Posted by Jeffsteedman May 05, 2020 at 15:41

    Golf Clubs are facing financial challenges, possible closure and vandalism. Courses (not clubhouses) should be re-opened ASAP. Golf helps people with their mental health and daily exercise
  • Posted by Alasdrum May 05, 2020 at 17:06

    Absolutely agree with this. Can you imagine Scotland without golf? It may well happen if members stop paying their monthly direct debits for which they currently get no golf? Embarrassing or what?
  • Posted by GordonI102 May 05, 2020 at 17:15

    Completely agree. I have no idea why golf courses have closed when they have demonstrated many ways in which social distancing can be maintained
  • Posted by TimArmour May 06, 2020 at 14:09

    It really should be very easy to reopen courses whilst sticking to social distancing
  • Posted by smv123 May 06, 2020 at 20:03

    Completely agree with the above comment and posts
  • Posted by simonnorris May 08, 2020 at 13:51

    There is huge support for the re-opening of golf.
    I started a petition just over a week ago and it already has 1360 signatures.
    Please have a look -
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