Repeat the last term

Allow children to repeat the summer term after the summer holidays. It would allow senior phase pupils to sit exams in November, other children would still get their transitions that are so important (especially those going into P1 and S1, but some children still require an enhanced transition between classrooms) and the school year could run Jan-Dec. It would allow children to start school a bit later too which would be better all round.

Why the contribution is important

To allow children to get the transitions they need for their emotional well-being, especially after such a troubling time.

by Carla on May 07, 2020 at 11:06PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 3.6
Based on: 3 votes


  • Posted by Katie May 10, 2020 at 21:44

    Totally agree!! This will allow all children to resettle, give new p1 chance to finish nursery and transition, and p7 chance to enjoy end of primary and transition. And will help teachers find new ways of working in line with whatever restrictions are in place at that time.
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