Responsible Outdoor Access

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I live in a remote area , I would like to see the encouragement of responsible outdoor access and now is a really good time to promote that. At the start of lock down, where I live, we saw a massive increase in irresponsible access, as well as parking issues, and more recently lost walkers. I would like to see a balance with outdoor access being promoted in the responsible way it should be taken, with the government supporting people living and working in rural areas to be able to stay safe when people (understandably) want to get out to rural areas with the phasing out of lockdown. I would like to see a government programme of responsible access campaigning and funded courses for those new to outdoor recreation, ideally using the skills of those who have not been able to run their outdoor activities in the way they normally would i.e. map reading skills, basic first aid . This needs to be done a)to stop the spread of the virus into remote areas, where the populations are often elderly and b) to reduce the pressure on rural policing and mountain rescue services

Why the contribution is important

To strike a balance between rural and urban spread of the virus, and to manage people's outdoor expectations, whilst also protecting the people that live and work in rural areas, particularly those involved in the food chain.

by CharlottePlayfair on May 06, 2020 at 10:16AM

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