Restart Golf as Lockdown relaxes

Approximately 200,000 registered golfers and say another 50,000 ‘ Nomad ‘
Golfers should be allowed to be the first of a sporting group to return to socially distant play as the Lockdown eases.
This group has already been able to follow the rules on social distancing at the beginning of the outbreak. has already published convincing evidence which corroborates
why golf should be introduced early in the relaxation from Lockdown phase.

Why the contribution is important

Benefits to physical and psychological health at a stroke of 3% of population

by govan on May 05, 2020 at 11:11PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.1
Based on: 11 votes


  • Posted by AnneM May 06, 2020 at 09:20

    Completely agree.
  • Posted by scottc May 06, 2020 at 09:26

    Easy to do following R & A rules - probably start with members only living within say 20 miles of their home club as many people are members of multiple clubs, many miles away and we want to cut down travel. Visitors can be permitted later as lockdown eases.
  • Posted by jrmungall May 06, 2020 at 09:44

    Agreed - there is little additional risk, but a high return in terms of physical and mental health benefits
  • Posted by Brownboy1 May 06, 2020 at 09:56

    There is little difference between going for a walk and playing golf.
     As long as it’s restricted to club members only, playing in groups of two or three and sticking to social distancing rules, there is no reason not to restart golf. Clubhouses should remain closed however, in line with rules around pup and restaurants.
  • Posted by lcraik May 06, 2020 at 10:26

    I seldom see 'fit' golfers and swinging a club against a hard object will not help Heart protection - in my opinion
  • Posted by emd230248 May 06, 2020 at 11:32

    Would be interested to hear why not as opposed to why. Look at the R & A suggested playing rules and the chances of passing the infection to your playing partner must be minimal. You would also assume that anyone displaying symptoms would have the sense to stay away.
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