Restrict travel to 100 km radius

Just as in France, travel should be restricted to 100 km from the permanent address. I appreciate that our systems may make this harder, but since most travel is by trunk road or railway it should be possible.

Why the contribution is important

Physical containment of virus carriers should allow slower spread and better control.

by IanB on May 05, 2020 at 02:32PM

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  • Posted by fergun May 05, 2020 at 19:18

    100km may be too much but I support the principle. Rule would have to be that you could have no contact within anyone at the destination though
  • Posted by RobinW May 05, 2020 at 20:04

    Not sure I see benefit in this. I expect spread is by number of contacts, not miles travelled. Maintain physical distancing but don't limit travel distance.
  • Posted by Jane4 May 06, 2020 at 07:11

    Yes, behaviour once you’ve travelled is far more important than any arbitrary distance in terms of preventing spread.
    I suggest that any travel away from home should depend on using a tracking app. Yes, controversial but probably a good way to measure and control.
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