Restriction change 10th May Daily Exercise.

This is more a complaint than an idea. I have previously responded to a the government paper about changes to restrictions. I am a shielded individual and have watched and reported incidents of people flaunting the message given to both exercise daily and to remain at a 2 metre distance. For several weeks now I have seen a lot of families and groups taking risks. It is both frustrating and irritating to hear Nicola Sturgeon advise that changes are being made to the advice on daily exercise. I would assume that the flaunting of the previous message is clear evidence that this new message of change will have no effect. It is not being enforced investigated or even routinely checked. The authorities pay no heed. Please give a more robust message to our public, both verbal and legislative. Thanks for compliance should only be clearly given to individuals who adhere. I see too many people not taking advise on board. STRONGER approach please.

Why the contribution is important

Changes of the way message is delivered would help compliance. Unfortunately treated all of our population as intelligent logical individuals is a misplaced belief. I have seen no evidence of this. People are continuing to be selfish and irresponsible. VE parties, ice cream vans and non compliance as examples.

by stuartok37 on May 10, 2020 at 04:09PM

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  • Posted by MikeJohnston May 10, 2020 at 16:22

    See idea: Fines Save Lifes please Save Scotland
  • Posted by Dave_H May 10, 2020 at 16:29

    I see this "change" as an insult. Moving from 1 to 2 "daily exercise" is insignificant.

    There are a lot of suggestions on this discussion calling for more flexibility in what we can do with our time outside. Suggestions for "sporting activities" such as golf, hill walking, sailing and many others. All that can be done outside, alone or in very small groups, and with no more risk than the present walk we are allowed.

    Arguably many of these could be done with less contact with other people if we were allowed to travel, e,g If I could go and sail my boat, I would not be near anybody. but walking local to my house I am likely to meet others.

    If this consultation does not result in some meaningful relaxations of low or no risk activities very soon, then it will be seen as treating all the well thought out suggestions with contempt.
  • Posted by JLMBD May 10, 2020 at 17:25

    There is a risk to any outdoor activity especially one that may go wrong and need a rescue. Even experienced sailors need lifeboats sometimes. Even experienced hillwalkers and climbers need rescue sometimes. Every member of the rescue crew is then at risk and so is every member of their household as a result. Activities that require long distance travel increase the risk and it is deeply selfish to go to remote communities that are currently virus free and have many vulnerable residents who live there, often there is only one shop struggling to supply it's own and they don't want outsiders coming in. As discussed multiple times before. Nothing is 100% safe so the government are restricting people to doing things that are unlikely to accidentally bring them into contact with others. There's no point in all these weeks of sacrifice if you are going to just chuck them in the bin.
  • Posted by petermuir79 May 10, 2020 at 17:48

    Relaxing the excersise restrictions is just proof that either:

    1. People were already doing it anyway and they had no power to stop them really.

    2. The scientific evidence they talk about was flawed from day 1 and people exercising doesn't increase the spread as much as they said before.

    3. We have to end this lock down sometime soon, people cannot be locked away in their houses much longer. This step gives the Scot Gov some breathing space.

    People, remember there is no vaccine. We cant remain locked up for another year...or will ot be 10 years?
    Time to let us all out.
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