Return to school

I am concerned that the kids will return to school too early and would be happier with them returning after summer holidays.

Part time would be good with the kids being in for a few hours per day or fortnightly attendance with no breaks except for toilet breaks as primary children will find it very difficult to social distance. From my experience with my 5 kids attending school they tend to pick up every sickness or flu bug that circulates in the school.
I would be concerned the could still pick up the virus as children do carry illnesses.

Why the contribution is important

Important for children returning to school.

by SuzanneJames on May 05, 2020 at 04:26PM

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  • Posted by Sammi45 May 05, 2020 at 16:32

    Im scared that kids go back to early and we then have a 2nd wave and it’s worst than ever. Life’s need to come before money.
  • Posted by Shopaholic99 May 05, 2020 at 16:34

    Part time would offer structure and stability which children need. A few hours a day which the teacher can teach them and parents back it up with homeschooling. Children need to be ideally placed with some of their friends as they are unsettled as it is and this would offer reassurance and help them maintain friendships.
  • Posted by Sarahking May 05, 2020 at 16:39

    People with health anxitey going find it hard to get there kids to school i would be waiting until the virus has calmed down
  • Posted by michshelly May 05, 2020 at 16:53

    Don't forget that:
    1) no proven immunity
    2) new serious skin rashes relating to covid showing in children.
    3) stop saying children aren't affected as much as adults, if that's true why are children without any underlying conditions dying
    4) Kawasaki disease apparently linked to covid in children
    5) every human life matters so don't use children as social experiments.
  • Posted by ljk84 May 05, 2020 at 16:56

    People need to think about all children across scotland and those from the most vulnerable families who will not be having the same experience as others. For example it's fine to provide ipads/laptops to support children in their learning but what if the parents do not have capacity through poor mental health, addiction, a variety of social issues. These children should not be forgotten. School is a lifeline for so many children. Please do not forget them.
  • Posted by Gailp May 05, 2020 at 17:56

    provide video conferencing technology for teachers and pupils to have access to taught lesson where the children (National Qualification level S4-S6) to interact with teachers in an online classroom environment.

    Private schools are already doing this through Zoom and Microsoft Teams
  • Posted by lindyloo May 05, 2020 at 18:44

    They need to start reopening schools to get children back into some sort of normality. I have an only child who is 10 and he cries every night as he misses his friends. He faced times etc them but it's not the same. He just wants to play football with them. It's awful. Thd mental effects are going to last a long time, plus they will stay be paying for this lockdown long after us parents are gone. Kids as less likely to be infected by coronavirus. In Switzerland scientists have even said it's safe for kids to hug grandparents.
  • Posted by lnelily252 May 05, 2020 at 19:19

    Kids going back to school is my biggest concern over workers going back to their factories or construction sites etc. They pick up everything
  • Posted by ProtestTheHero May 05, 2020 at 19:30

    OP's opinion that it would be better for children to return in August is not shared by any parents I know, given the damage the absence of school and nursery is doing to their kids' behaviour, development and emotional state. Already a 2.5 year wait for CAMHS referral - we can't afford to wreak further damage on our children with a protracted closure of the education system.
  • Posted by GJTorrie May 05, 2020 at 21:16

    The problem is that people cannot go back to work if the children do not go back to school. The key to regenerating the economy is to get the children back to school. I am not suggesting the children should go back too early but I cannot go back to work until my daughter is back at School and I’m a key worker. The current problem is that my child has been offered a place under the key worker scheme but the school is 10 miles away and my daughter would not know any of the teachers or other children. To get people back to work we need the children back to school (and night for 2 hours a day, that’s just parents wanting their own time).
  • Posted by Hughw78 May 06, 2020 at 17:34

    I agree with GJTorrie, I am in exactly the same position where the hub school is not possible to get my daughter to.

    The opening up of the economy depends on the schools opening. I am a key worker and I have no choice but to leave my daughter with her Grandfather who is a pensioner and having to isolate for 12 weeks!!

    If the schools remain closed until after August, there has to be a system in place to support parents financially as more than likely the furlough scheme will have ended.

    I DO NOT want my child to be at risk, but surely keeping a roof over her head is just as important for a stable upbringing.

    The current system for education is good short term, and I feel the teachers are doing well under the circumstances, however, there needs to be a plan to bring them back sooner rather than later. Measures can be taken to ensure minimal risk, there are so many kids who are not benefiting through home learning and their home situation will only worsen the longer they are out of school.

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