Return to school

There is an argument to begin the summer holidays early ie June 1st. A lot of pupils not engaging in virtual lesson and are therefore still missing out on their learning. The “novelty” of virtual learning will soon wear of for others and we lose more pupils from school engagement. Bring holidays forward and give everyone a bit of breathing space.... with compliance to government guidelines in 6 weeks we should hopefully be in a better place to get pupils back into school on a phased return from August 1st. Last two weeks of July used for teaching staff to get back into school and familiarise with new learning and teaching environment ie one way systems, smaller classes, phased return of pupils, use and distribution of PPE and overall planning and management of new procedures.

Why the contribution is important

To re engage pupils back into their learning and make positive moves towards re starting school life.

by IMcG on May 11, 2020 at 03:11PM

Current Rating

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Based on: 6 votes


  • Posted by Obiwan72 May 11, 2020 at 15:34

    this should not happen at all until a vaccine is found. Schools should not be considered until August 2021 at the very earliest
  • Posted by KimCheeko May 11, 2020 at 15:41

    I believe strongly that schools, playgroups and Nurseries etc. should resume as quickly as possible. There should be no social distancing measures imposed when they do resume.
  • Posted by rscot May 11, 2020 at 16:34

    Has consideration been given to schools with accommodation attached e.g. music schools, schools in rural locations. Some of these children travel regularly from all over the country and risk transmitting the virus into accommodation units. All children couldn't be accommodated at the same time. How will transport be managed? It would not be safe to have a full bus. If staff agree to an earlier holiday, then I think, if safe to do so, a phased return in August would be wise option.
    Children should not be permitted to use public transport to go to school.
  • Posted by Junanim1 May 11, 2020 at 16:46

    I also believe schools, nurseries and playgroups should open as soon as possible. It is my understanding that schools were never closed due to the risk children pose but rather to enforce the adult stay at home message which would have been entirely impossible with schools remaining open.
    Children need their education and it is selfish to keep them off any longer.
    Key worker children are being cared for on a rotational basis therefore coming into contact with many adults rather than just the one teacher and same group of children.
    And also just to add nursery to P1 transition is just as important as p7 to 1st year.
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