Return to schools for P7

Priority should be given to P7 pupils about to transition to S1.

I think there is a window of opportunity to enable these pupils to leave primary school in as close to a way that they had imagined- chance to have a week in their new school and to say their goodbyes to their existing school. In order to maintain social distancing this year should have priority consideration.

Why the contribution is important

To facilitate endings and a smooth transition into the next stage of Education.

by Victoriam on May 05, 2020 at 03:35PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.4
Based on: 17 votes


  • Posted by FGhighland May 05, 2020 at 16:21

    Definitely, but with distancing measures in place. Restrictions upon freedom in the playground and sport contact. Perhaps split classes 50-50 and use additional teacher, separate rooms etc.
  • Posted by Boblidd May 05, 2020 at 16:31

    totally agree they must be the priority
  • Posted by ljk84 May 05, 2020 at 17:12

    absolutely agree this is so important
  • Posted by Katie May 05, 2020 at 17:22

    Agree p7 so important but if they can’t go back to school until post-summer, we should allow them back to p7 until Sep weekend to give time for transition to secondary after that. Facilitate this by keeping all primary children (and nursery children) in current classes until post Sep weekend. New p1 intake can also then start after that. Gives all children much-needed time to readjust to school before go to new school / teacher / class.
  • Posted by Laura89 May 06, 2020 at 02:01

    I agree that this would benefit this age group, however we just dknt know how safe it is.
    I think the January transition makes more sense.
  • Posted by vivmiller May 07, 2020 at 14:21

    My son is about to transition to S1. His Primary school online setup during this time has been fantastic.

    I have heard that at least one Uni has alerted staff that students would not physically return to classes until after October. In addition, Primary schools are likely to be online well into the new school year.

    My concern is that if this is the case, will P7s be left in limbo?

    I have no knowledge if his Secondary school will have any provision for schooling online for the new S1.

    Could P7 stay online with their Primary school rather than being left in limbo?
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