Returning to school

I believe we need to allow the children to finish off the year they started, even if reduced and especially if they are they are due to transition to primary or secondary education.

Could the first month in which they return to school be used to finish up their current class and not start the following educational year until Sept/Oct? This would need to include relaxation on uniforms during this period.

Why the contribution is important

Doing this would allow the children to return to something familiar after a period of great uncertainty for them.
It would allow completion of some of this current years work before moving up a stage.
It would give time for transitions for those moving on.

by LouM on May 10, 2020 at 09:14AM

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  • Posted by gw09garciachristine May 10, 2020 at 10:23

    Totally agree with this idea. Important to allow children to return to the world that was so abruptly ended for them, to revisit, and del those social connections and say good bye in a real, physical, present way so they will be able to really experience a d feel the emotions associated with moving on to the next stage of their life.
    Impact on their emotional health if they don't do this will be very detrimental for many, and therefore impact their their ability to engage in academic work later also.
    It's wise to give them the time investment in their healthy future
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