Returning to Work - Risk Assessments

There is genuine concern amongst Employees regarding returning to work when the current restrictions are eventually lifted and that they will be returning to a Covid 19 risk free working environment
Employers of all sizes have a statutory duty to conduct Health and Safety Risk Assessments
Employers should be reminded to conduct Covid 19 Risk Assessments BEFORE a return to work is envisaged and to publish these Assessments to their Employees in advance so that they have confidence of what has been done and what part they have to play to make the work environment as safe as reasonably practicable

Why the contribution is important

Employers need lead time and guidance to prepare for a safe return to work.
There is little point , as happened yesterday in England, for announcements to return to work in some sectors, without detailed guidance as to what is expected
HSE ( Northern Ireland ) has already published guidance on Coronavirus specific Risk Assessments
Employees need reassurance that when the time comes to return to work they will be returning to ,as far as reasonably practicable, an environment that has taken account of Covid 19. and the part they will play in helping to make it so

by Caledonian on May 11, 2020 at 08:56AM

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  • Posted by KMR May 11, 2020 at 09:07

    Wholeheartedly agree. This will take time and resource and that time has to be factored in to the return to work process. So the UK Government announcing decisions that people can return to work two days hence not acceptable. Employers have a legal duty of care to employees.
  • Posted by sconnor May 11, 2020 at 12:52

    All workplaces should be asked to undertake an agreed level of risk assessment and shared with the local authority and staff.
  • Posted by timk May 11, 2020 at 12:56

    The government need to provide some comprehensive frameworks here to enable risk assessment.

    There should be a list of must haves which breaking these mean a business can’t reopen

    There should also be an average risk level to give a score for the business - too high and they remain closed, medium they get additional measures and monitoring and low they’re open
  • Posted by NCS74 May 11, 2020 at 19:50

    Totally agree . Risk assessment must be done and agreed by an outside body or agency that it is safe for staff to return.
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