Routine Operations to restart

I would like routine operations to restart to prevent a very lengthy wait and catch up.

Why the contribution is important

I am currenly on a waiting list for a routine procedure that is having a significant impact on my life due to my inability to get nutrition due to medical reasons. As I continue to lose weight and have no access to dietician at present my health is a concern and I would prefer that medication procedures and urgent referrals are restarted as without this other areas of my life will be impacted.

by SandraHorne1958 on May 05, 2020 at 06:53PM

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  • Posted by Colette May 05, 2020 at 19:07

    Areas of NHS not involved in Covid19 are underused with doctors being sent home for days at a time as they are not needed. There are other illnesses that people need interventions for. We need to get routine surgeries going again
  • Posted by susansutherland May 05, 2020 at 19:35

    i agree that routine operations need to start asap. I have medical professionals in my family who are frustrated at having nothing to do and being sent home from departments e.g. neurology who are only allowed to carry out emergency surgery.
  • Posted by mg68 May 05, 2020 at 19:55

    Totally agree operations are part of keeping people healthy, routine work should also be high priority in keeping people alive.
  • Posted by AdamWilson May 05, 2020 at 20:35

    Routine operations and testing should resume.
    There is a huge opportunity to stop the spread of HIV by re-starting sexual health testing (allowing people to receive a test) before social distancing is relaxed.
  • Posted by AMac May 06, 2020 at 06:37

    I agree. Also you should be able to be seen by your GP for concerns that may be classed as non urgent so that referrals can be made if you require to be seen by a specialist. People’ health should be prioritised over and above anything else. things don’t restart soon there is going to be a huge backlog and I feel peoples’ health outcomes will be affected.
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