Safe Golf

Once lockdown phased release is started , allow limited golf eg
1. Play in single or pairs. Social distance
2. maybe only 9 holes , takes 2 hours
3. Pre booked starting time, stay in car till time
4. MEMBERS only
5 Keep clubhouse closed

A lot of members have paid their annual fees although a fair amount have not which financially does not help the golf club

Why the contribution is important

Golf is a sport where people could play and observe social distance, it keeps one fit and mentally stimulated .
The 1.9 million golfing population in Scotland deserve a thought in terms of being able to play their sport, and it can be played observing the social guidelines that we live under just now

by Graemegolf on May 05, 2020 at 07:46PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.2
Based on: 24 votes


  • Posted by Moragwardrop May 05, 2020 at 19:55

    I would like to see people being allowed to play golf. Golf club members are responsible people and golf is a very simple sport in which social distancing can be observed. Getting out in the fresh air has been proven to help our mental health. I would urge the Scottish Government to allow us to get back on our courses to play golf not to walk,run or vandalise these beautiful green spaces.
  • Posted by IainBlair May 05, 2020 at 19:59

    Golf is likely the safest naturally socially distanced sport. It provides exercise, fresh air and mental health benefits. Scottish Golf has issued additional guidelines which clubs had, prior to lockdown already implemented, that completely remove the need to touch any part of the course or its equipment such as flagsticks. Golf is played across the whole of society and is accessible to pretty much anyone who wishes to play at low cost and in close proximity almost everywhere. Golf is the most obvious thing to re-open and would be a tremendous boost to a large number of people.
  • Posted by davemc May 05, 2020 at 20:03

    An excellent first step in a move towards the new normal. The benefits of moderate exercise in the open air suitably distanced from others are not in doubt. Golfers have a well deserved reputation for self-policing with regard to the laws and conventions of the sport - new conventions will not be a problem.
  • Posted by Kgc68 May 05, 2020 at 20:20

    I agree with this proposal golf is an excellent safe sport to allow access too, the proposals put forward by the golf unions show that social distancing can be easily implemented. Older golfers would also benefit Getting out for exercise and fresh air something most of them have missed Due to isolating correctly.
  • Posted by innessr May 05, 2020 at 21:19

    The majority of golf clubs have already considered and prepared well for safe golf when the time comes . Golfers are well used to the discipline of keeping to rules and if in addition the clubhouses remain closed the risk of coming into contact with contaminated surfaces is further reduced. Of all sports golf is surely one where social distancing can be readily observed and the benefits are undoubtedly significant in terms of mental health and physical exercise.
  • Posted by AboyneGolfer May 05, 2020 at 21:28

    Having participated in a rigorous risk assessment it is clear that golf can be enjoyed with the lowest level of risk and in full compliance with government guidelines on social distancing. Prior to the lockdown Scottish Golf gathered best practice and produced an excellent set of guidelines and mitigations.

    Golf club members represent all age groups in the community and provides an excellent source of exercise and can help relieve the stresses of lockdown.

    Thank you for the opportunity to provide my input.
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