safe physical distancing

As far too many people seem not to get or care about physical distancing, how about everyone has to wear a breathable/reusable/washable mask, especially runners/joggers and cyclists? Going out for a walk can be a dangerous, uncomfortable and scary experience for those of us scared we get and worse still, pass on the Covid19 virus. How you would enforce this, I have no idea but I imagine most would comply, and hopefully entice others to do the sensible thing. I know properly washing hands and physical distancing are crucial but the latter isn’t happening too often and I feel compelled to travel to go for a safe walk. I am not alone in this view.
Thank you for reading this. Take care and stay safe.

Why the contribution is important

People are dying and people are not physical distancing and preventing others or at best putting others off from going out for physical exercise and that is not good for Scotland’s people’s physical or mental health either.

by vozLD1 on May 08, 2020 at 05:57PM

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  • Posted by wisteria May 08, 2020 at 18:07

    Compulsory wearing of face masks in public places is an excellent idea, but masks must be easily available and free or at least cheap. France is doing this.
  • Posted by Janus May 09, 2020 at 00:22

    "...As far too many people seem not to get or care about physical distancing, ..."

    This assertion is without foundation.

    My own experience has been that people generally DO respect distancing. But if others don't then the responsibility falls to me.

    Compulsory facemasks reminds me of Boris's (unhelpful) comments about pillar boxes.
  • Posted by Biba May 09, 2020 at 19:43

    I couldn't agree more. I am in the vulnerable high risk group and the few times I've tried to go out for a short walk I've had a horrible experience of people NOT social distancing when passing by, especially joggers. Now I'm actually afraid to go out and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Wearing a face covering or mask should be compulsory and worn out of a sign of respect for others. It's worked well in other countries and could here also. Most people would have a scarf they could use or make a face covering out of an old t shirt easily to save using medical masks that are in short supply.
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