Safety measures For workers returning.

There have to be checks for all workers Safety when they return to their jobs. Everything that people want.lie open swimming etc all require that workers are essential for others to enjoy these services. Maybe a confidential hotline where workers can report their employers if they feel that safety precautions are not being put in place or adhered to. The Government must be explicit with advice that must be followed by employers and not just the usual “ well I have given advice” this We have seen is and can be flouted, so a hotline or dedicated line of communication with government and or local government dedicated team to Ensure employees have a way or redress if employers are being lacks. This will be essential in my opinion to safeguard lives and prevent a second wave and ensure a good solid foundation for years to come if carried out with integrity.

Why the contribution is important

A second wave is almost inevitable if good practice, above and beyond is not adhered to, following a return back to work.
It’s basic common sense and fundamental to being able to return to and manage our newfound freedom from lockdown, in a sustainable, and compassionate way for every single person; old young and those yet to be born.. Even if a vaccine is found, it seems all too clear that a completely different virus is likely appear sooner or later and so getting this return to “normal” right at this time will inevitably bode well for handling future similar disease...This is not about short term political gains.

by Shoosh on May 09, 2020 at 11:40AM

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  • Posted by Stephen666 May 09, 2020 at 12:03

    The citizens of Scotland require more than face coverings, they require good lightweight face masks to be worn at least during travel, and in other relatively uncontrolled areas. Each household requires a contingency pack clinical/food etc, ready for any lockdown. Swiss do it, so so can we. Very correct to highlight "telling" but no action. Typical example is small glossy booklet highlighting how council supports its workers with stress, yet advises that stress can be good for you. Pressure is a quite different thing and can give benefit, whereas stress is the body failing to cope with the pressure.

    What also has to be guarded against is from the media on behalf of those who subscribe to "herd immunity", who will "nudge" workers into believing that everyone else is just getting down to work, without undue concern over safety. Official Scottish Government figures on those wo are working and travelling to work will be required.

    There needs to be far more movement on using local staff, but this means more training of multi-diciplinary workers, for which funding is required. Resilience must be baked into the economy just like austerity was.
  • Posted by Lauri May 10, 2020 at 11:48

    I think every job needs to be rethought and risk assessed before workers go in again, using ALL measures available and a little bit of imagination. A good risk assessor can plan with help of the workforce itself.
    I agree that we need a policing system: HSE are good for this but they have too much on their plate and if there was a hotline specifically for businesses flouting covid-19 guidelines would be good. Trading standards and police scotland are looking to get involved here under new powers but a centralised phone where this is recorded and stats gathered And collated to see where the problems areas might lie and to inform new guidelines would be ideal.
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