Sailing activity easement

Sailing is a an activity that has low contact with outsiders and is mostly pursued by family members.
Even movements in marinas can be extremely low contact as yachts move through the marina basin into the open sea.
The likelihood of needing emergency assistance (RNLI) is very low in my 40 year experience.
Yacht racing would be a different matter as there are lots more crew and everyone is involved in sporting racing.
I feel that there is little to no risk of V-19 transmission if yacht cruising is allowed but club rooms remain closed.

Why the contribution is important

Sailing easement as suggested above would allow fresh air activity with only the lowest level of risk to C-19 transmission.
The benefits to those involved would be a massive reduction in stress (yacht owners denied access to their boats and essential maintenance) and an improvement in the \eir mental health and welfare in what is a pleasure able activity to them.

by Rockinghorse on May 06, 2020 at 01:34PM

Current Rating

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Based on: 29 votes


  • Posted by Cymlee May 06, 2020 at 15:57

    I totally agree with re-opening sailing - but also include kayaking / canoeing as these can still be done within family members / with limited numbers with social distancing not an issue.
  • Posted by Adammcculloch May 06, 2020 at 18:29

    Dinghy sailing
    Kayaking / Canoeing
    Paddle Boarding
    Could all be undertaken whilst observing social distancing
    Especially if rivers and lochs are used
  • Posted by Chrisclin May 07, 2020 at 22:20

    Reopening marinas will allow healthy exercise to be undertaken. It is very easy to social distance when cruising.
  • Posted by Dave_H May 08, 2020 at 10:47

    Sailing does not pose a risk of spreading the virus because you are at sea. As long as you take precautions to avoid meeting people on the way to your boat, I can see no reason for it remaining a banned activity.

    It is important that people are allowed a little freedom to sensibly go out for the types of leisure activity like sailing that can be carried out without risk to others.

    Any change in the law would have to include allowing a reasonable distance of travel to get to your boat, again say a 30 mile drive in your car poses no risk to others.
  • Posted by liz4855 May 09, 2020 at 19:28

    Dinghy Sailing,
    Paddle boarding,
    Canoeing and
    are all relatively low risk and could be opened quite safely.

    Club houses should remain closed, for now.

    This would have a significant impact on physical and mental health of sailors with minimal risk.
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