Sanitisers- Hand Free!

Bottles of sanitisers are required for the entrance and exit from any Business, Office, Supermarket,Schools,college, university's etc and on all forms of Public Transport, which needs to be hand free and the liquid is dispersed onto the hand by simply puting the hands under the dispenser for an amount to fall onto the hand. The bottles need to be on a wall or similar and need to be upside down at a reasonable height, which will negate any contact by any person.

Why the contribution is important

This basic sanitiser, which is already used in hospitals, needs to be included and advised to the above named services and institutions for basic hygiene and to help in the process of transferring the Coronavirus or cold/flu symptoms to other Users of the services and Institutions.

by Gog07 on May 08, 2020 at 03:40PM

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Based on: 7 votes


  • Posted by narcissus May 08, 2020 at 15:49

    Great idea but, like hospitals, will only be used by safety conscious people. Sanitisers are good but users should remember you must wash your hands after 3 or 4 uses of the sanitizer. Otherwise not effectual.
  • Posted by Lambertos May 08, 2020 at 15:53

    All hospitals are equipped with hand sanitisers. The fact is that most visitors to hospital patients do not use them on entering or leaving the ward, despite notices asking them to do so. This contributes to the spread of infections and viruses in the hospital environment. Given that the public won't use them in the most obvious place to do so, what is going to make them use them elsewhere?
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