School = Childcare

Phased return of transition pupils , To P1/S1. With rest of primary following them secondary.

Why the contribution is important

There has to be some sort of movement back into school ASAP as there is little to no childcare available to key-workers and non key-workers. People will start bending rules to enable them to return to work or just to keep their jobs.

by Hat84 on May 08, 2020 at 08:44AM

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  • Posted by Ruth88 May 08, 2020 at 09:00

    I am currently working in a school hub. Our hub is open 7am-7pm, 7 days a week for the children of key workers. Over and above this I am providing online learning for my pupils. How is that considered little to no childcare?
  • Posted by Tmy May 08, 2020 at 15:40

    I’m curious to know when education became childcare? Childcare is completely separate and should be dealt with differently. As Ruth88 says, hubs are open for key workers children and the teachers who staff these hubs have to deliver lessons to their own pupils and are giving up weekends and holidays to provide this service.
  • Posted by Portert May 08, 2020 at 17:06

    We can’t risk teachers and children’s life’s to provide a childcare service. There has been immense support for key worker children throughout but Schools can only open fully and ensure social distancing when it’s safe to do so.
  • Posted by Lucy1980 May 09, 2020 at 18:13

    I agree that schools re-opening is an absolute priority, however there is a lot of planning and preparation to be done before this can happen. There is a LOT to consider about the logistics of social distancing in schools, especially for younger pupils and pupils with ASN. Also staffing issues for those who have underlying conditions.

    I think if we have a goal of phasing back in Aug 2020 then it gives the govt time to give schools clear guidance for keeping everyone as safe as possible and schools can get to work on making this plan a reality in August. I don’t think this should be rushed when people’s lives are at risk. We need a lot more discussion surrounding social distancing in schools before we return.

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