School Holidays

Start School holidays in the middle of June.

Why the contribution is important

School.holidays are important for everyone.
Families need a break from the stresses of home learning.
Teachers need their holidays as they have been working hard from home to support home learning.
The focus should be on well being right now.
Children will catch up with their learning when they do return to class or a mix of class and home learning through sensitive and robust teaching.

by AnnFrances on May 11, 2020 at 06:22PM

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Based on: 6 votes


  • Posted by Stu132 May 11, 2020 at 18:46

    Earlier holidays would be the ideal scenario, start the summer holidays at the beginning of June. With a full return to school mid July . This will allow the kids to catch up and transition where necessary, before the new term starts.
  • Posted by Lomond82 May 11, 2020 at 19:43

    Children are normally off for 7 weeks summer. Think reduce the summer term for this year to maybe 2-3 weeks seeing as they have missed so much schooling. Also gives a great opportunity for S4,5 and 6 to be able to sit SQA exams the other side of summer again for this year only
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