School opening

To run side by side with school re opening there requires to be considerable consideration given to the support staff within schools. There will be much more additional requirement for children to be supported in schools with issues arising from stress and concerns being returned to the confinements of schools after such a prolonged period of absence. Support staff will need to have skills in de escalating stress and hyperactivity created by the return to the school environment. There will be children who will find it hard to be back into the confinement of timetabling and sitting for long periods of time, even interacting with teachers and other adults may well be problematic. We know across schools there is a severe lack of quality qualified support staff due to consistent cuts by Local Authorities over the last decade. The existing staff in schools are stretched to capacity dealing with the recognised high level pupils who have identified additional support needs, however the underlying mental health issues in the rest of the pupil population may go unnoticed by staff due to the other pressures of curriculum delivery and progression on the teaching staff. this ultimately will exacerbate the pupils stress and lead to much larger issues. There needs to be trained staff to deliver to all pupils some form of mental welfare programme linked to the current pandemic that can allow them to discuss, share their concerns and worries etc, outwith the classroom environment similar to the system of support that operates in schools with a high population of MOD pupils where they get time out to deal with the issues that arise from family disruption, postings etc.

Why the contribution is important

We need to look at the pupil welfare in some sort of isolation outwith the normal health and wellbeing elements of the curriculum and allow pupil access as and when required similar to guidance and social support networks in Secondary schools.

by Masterr2 on May 05, 2020 at 01:51PM

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  • Posted by Sue24 May 05, 2020 at 14:03

    If we waited for this type of support network to be put in place and the personnel to be trained schools would never open and that would have a domino effect on the ability of people to get back to work, especially women who are the main care givers. All key workers should be encouraged to send their children back to school. The present system is stigmatising children who have problems at home
  • Posted by AngelaF May 05, 2020 at 14:03

    When schools do go back, serious consideration needs to be given to starting the school in the summer time. Like so many others, I am struggling with working from home and dealing with a 3 and 5 year old. This is simply not sustainable for me and them anymore. Childcare and/or opening up access to families for support is needed now.
  • Posted by lynnetarvit May 05, 2020 at 14:21

    All staff are responsible for health and well-being of children inScottish schools so it should be straightforward to add in service training before the children come back to school. This should be the main focus in school settings in order to enable children to discuss what has happened and deal with the trauma of their worlds changing so radically and so quickly. We need to consider the health and well-being of school staff as well as the children. Many staff in schools have medical needs too and we need them to be supported through schools reopening and changes to the school week. The curriculum needs to stand back while health and well-being is prioritised for a while.
  • Posted by ImranL May 05, 2020 at 14:24

    I totally agree that the schools issue has to be addressed. Children need to get back to school. It is clear they are not at risk like adults but it is simply unsustainable for working parents to keep looking after children, whilst working and to expect homeschooling to be the answer. My children are extremely disaffected and demotivated by lack of contact with their class fellows and friends. Lack of schooling will impact on the social development and well being of children.
  • Posted by alileslie May 05, 2020 at 14:25

    If children are to return to schools in a 'week on, week off' system, or indeed half days, consideration must be given to the childcare available in those weeks where schools are not open to them. As a key worker, in the current situation I have a full time nursery place for my child - when restrictions ease we must continue to ensure there is provision for children of families who cannot work from home.
  • Posted by Kirklistonjohn May 06, 2020 at 02:22

    Remote teaching should be increased but be more focused and teacher led - especially create the opportunity for one to one video links for tutorials between teacher and pupil.
    This would take the weight of parents especially key workers and those working at home and tap in to the vast teacher at home resource.
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