School reopening
The loss of education for children is having a devastating impact on them, not just in terms of loss of education but on their mental health too. Please seriously consider reopening schools to all pupils not just certain year groups.
Why the contribution is important
It’s do important to reopen schools for do many reasons. How on earth are pupils ever going to make up for the time lost? They will be on an uphill struggle for a long time if they aren’t allowed to resume their education. I completely understand that health comes first and I agree with that. However the graphs show that reopening schools is the least dangerous option and would have the least impact on the R rating. You won’t get the economy going again if schools are still out as parents won’t be able to return to work if they are looking after children. Please seriously revisit this, it’s devastating for them.
by patriciamurphy on May 06, 2020 at 01:23PM
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