School transportation

The reopening of schools is important on so many levels but before this takes place consideration needs to be given to safe transport of children who travel to and from school daily via coach minibus taxi etc

Why the contribution is important

For safety of children and drivers of school buses etc. Much talk continues around social distancing but this is difficult to implement in a full coach minibus or taxi.

Pre Covid buses/minibuses would typically run at capacity. Unable to social distance if this continues.

School transport and associated issues need careful consideration prior to a return to school.

by newnormal on May 06, 2020 at 05:59PM

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  • Posted by Renitadee May 08, 2020 at 03:07

    This is also true of children commuting to school via public transport.
    As workplaces reopen and schools follow in time, regular bus routes will again become congested.
  • Posted by JennyBee May 10, 2020 at 14:20

    Absolutely agree- I do a taxi run with three children to a school for children with learning disabilities. I honestly can't see, given the lack of resources in my area, how it can work. There's not enough buses to bring children in in smaller numbers, and it would require several journeys to do so. If children are only going in for a half day, this would be massively difficult to do,Wheelchair accessible vehicles are in short supply, too.
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