
Possibly some classes could work from other areas/places that are not being used for more space to help social distancing. An example could be offices were people are able to work from home, community centres, theatres, churches, places possibly were big groups are held! That’s probably rubbish! Just an idea.

Why the contribution is important

It would ensure that kids are getting schooling but also social distancing.

by Amandam3466 on May 05, 2020 at 02:23PM

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  • Posted by DonaldShaw May 05, 2020 at 14:36

    While there may be reasons for closing schools at present, if our children are not allowed back into some form of schooling before August then they are basically losing a years education. It also makes it difficult for parents to go back to work if the children are not in school.
  • Posted by Jomccolgan May 05, 2020 at 14:37

    I think the best option regarding return to schooling would be to stagger year groups , and have each year group go back part time - but those children in examination years should be given priority.
  • Posted by Dipiri May 05, 2020 at 14:37

    Perhaps offering am and pm sessions in school, and maybe offering 2 - 3 Sessions in school per week. Then offer guidance on work to be carried out at home for the days they’re not in. Have teachers on video call duties to assist with home learning.
  • Posted by Mandyintdesign May 05, 2020 at 14:41

    I am a teacher and I think this is a very valid idea. Use vacant offices of council buildings for classes. At the moment very few children are being educated in hubs, this could allow for expansion of this to children of tier 2 parents.
  • Posted by TStrachan May 05, 2020 at 14:48

    I suppose it would depend on the particular area. Where I live there are 3 venues that would be of use for this purpose however I expect the resources required to ensure they are sufficiently cleaned before and after may affect whether it would work but I think it's definitely something worth considering.
  • Posted by GeorgeGlasgow May 05, 2020 at 15:19

    Reading comments on other topics posts that children are not learning at home ….I fully agree...

    All to often the kids are getting homework posted online via google classroom or glow but it seems to be a scatter gun approach ….one day nothing ...then next its about 4 /5 sets homework to be completed by the following or next day ….so quantity takes over quality ….it becomes a case of " just get it done" …
    My suggestion
    Why oh why have Scottish schools not fully jumped on the bandwagon of online leaning via video conferencing ...Zoom or suchlike ….
    Pupils could then get back into good habits of being ready to learn from 9.00 till X.00 hearing different subjects and might I add a different voice from their home environment.
    Even if its just a show and tell session its better than nothing direct from teachers to parents.
    One teacher one subject one time slot.

    Only recent communication was a generic school email reminding parents about home schooling work being monitored but as said above …..quantity overtakes quality
    If all these classes had been done by zoom pupils will be more engaged and actually learning.
    Pupils are not only missing out on vital learning but they are also losing the habits that a chool day structure brings.

  • Posted by GeorgeGlasgow May 05, 2020 at 15:23

    Should read
    *Even if its just a show and tell session its better than nothing direct from teachers to pupils.
  • Posted by Heathfielder May 05, 2020 at 16:50

    I agree with contributors who suggest the idea of staggered school times and days. I’m also in agreement with suggestions that this part-time attendance could complement zoom type teaching support and delegated homework as required. I also support the idea of utilising suitable ‘vacant’ facilities as ad hoc lecture rooms etc for designated student groups i.e. to avoid overlap where staggered school days/times were in place. It may also make sense, where practicable, for secondary teachers to move between classrooms between periods, rather than the pupils.
    On the same topic how about splitting up age groups at primary/secondary schools. In towns/cities where there are more than one primary and/or secondary school within reasonable travelling distance, perhaps P1-P3 pupils from say 2 schools could all attend one school premises, whilst the P4-P7 pupils could attend another. Likewise secondary pupils e.g. S1-S3 and S4-S6 could be segregated between separate schools. I realise there would be logistical issues to address including appropriate distribution of suitable teaching staff, but it could benefit teachers and pupils (on a temporary basis during these unusual times) by potentially enabling all age groups to attend schools simultaneously and a greater proportion of the school week to be classroom based. Just some early thoughts!
  • Posted by Kirklistonjohn May 06, 2020 at 02:16

    Remote teaching should be increased but be more focused and teacher led - especially create the opportunity for one to one video links for tutorials between teacher and pupil.
    This would take the weight of parents especially key workers and those working at home and tap in to the vast teacher at home resource.
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