
The education offering for children is very different from region to region. Some schools use Microsoft teams where the pupils log on and listen / watch their teacher and do the work like a Virtual lesson (tayside) and other regions (Dumfries and Galloway) the school work is uploaded onto teams and the pupils are emailed the assignments. It is hardier to motivate even normally enthusiastic children when they have no interaction.

Why the contribution is important

If there is disparity about the offering across regions then there is going to be a widening gap of education attainment. I have watched my daughter who enjoys school and learning and performs well at school lacking the motivation and finding the new learning difficult even though she has parents to support this learning at home.

by Stephaniekeachie on May 05, 2020 at 08:54PM

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  • Posted by marge5867 May 05, 2020 at 23:27

    I think there needs to be crucial balance between safe operation of schools for pupils, staff and parents/carers and access to learning. Without ensuring the former I can’t see how all will feel safe to be at school. Schools in rural parts of Scotland and on islands have been using creative approaches to teaching and learning for sometime, often using distance learning options.
  • Posted by adnil May 05, 2020 at 23:43

    Agree there needs to be online live teaching. Teachers need to stop hiding from this.
  • Posted by KirsteenV May 06, 2020 at 10:55

    People need to remember that teachers are humans! Many have their own children who need supported during this new way of working too. Many households don't have lots of different devices to access the home learning so, for example if there are three children in a household and two laptops/tablet etc. then the parent might need to use one for work and this would leave only one for the children to share between them. If teachers are delivering 'live' lessons during the time when it's 'not your turn' to use the device, then children will miss out. By setting work that the children can access and complete at an appropriate time, work is more likely to be completed, and to a higher standard as parents can offer support and supervision, if required.
  • Posted by cherry May 08, 2020 at 22:44

    There is huge disparity in the online teaching, with some teachers putting in some effort and some clearly doing virtually nothing, with no-one trying to ensure a minimum standard. What are the headteachers, deputies and principals doing who are getting paid very well to be off work for 5 months? There is no evidence in what my child is receiving that they are doing anything worthwhile at all.
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