Schools and Education
It is time to put in place a structured and comprehensive home schooling and on-line learning platform. Although, children are being sent work to complete at home, the current system varies from school to school to school, even from class to class and relies heavily on parents.
Switching the curriculum and timetable on line with teachers running classes through Zoom or another digital platform of the Governments choosing will offer pupils a much better learning experience and structure than the current set up. It will enhance the teacher-pupil experience and whilst not completely eliminating, it should help reduce the risk of children falling through the gaps.
A Government backed scheme for parents to access laptops or tablets on loan or at reduced costs to support those families who need help could also be set up.
The virtual classes could continue to be in place to support the transition back to physical schooling should there be a need for part time classes and social distancing. At this stage the on line classes could be taught by teachers in the higher risk category who have to stay at home due to shielding
Switching the curriculum and timetable on line with teachers running classes through Zoom or another digital platform of the Governments choosing will offer pupils a much better learning experience and structure than the current set up. It will enhance the teacher-pupil experience and whilst not completely eliminating, it should help reduce the risk of children falling through the gaps.
A Government backed scheme for parents to access laptops or tablets on loan or at reduced costs to support those families who need help could also be set up.
The virtual classes could continue to be in place to support the transition back to physical schooling should there be a need for part time classes and social distancing. At this stage the on line classes could be taught by teachers in the higher risk category who have to stay at home due to shielding
Why the contribution is important
This idea allows children to be taught the curriculum remotely and safely. It will reduce the risk of a real terms decrease in education, allow teachers to work safely and in a more structured way. It will also support the longer term, with phased return to school planned, some pupils could return whilst others learn at home or there could be part time school attendance supported by virtual learning. It would also give structure and aligned schooling across all local authorities.
by frewcol on May 08, 2020 at 08:44AM
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