Schools and nurseries
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I understand that schools, nurseries and private nurseries have to go back but I think it's not safe at the minute. I understand that children don't show many symptoms but it's been on the news that children can have this virus and some are fighting for their lives. Children, staff and parents can just be carriers and carry the virus into these places. How do you explain to children under 4 years old that they have to stay 2 metres away from their friends (this is impossible) also if they are upset are the staff looking after allowed to give them cuddles? If we need another lockdown how will children understand they were off school/ nursery then allowed back then off again (this could damage them mentally)
I don't think it's financially substantial for private nurseries to open up again for limited children and staff as I know most of the private nurseries that tried to stay open for the key workers children ended up closing as they didn't have many children and it wasn't financial beneficial. Does the owners of the nurseries have to choose the staff/ children if they are only allowed limited numbers and does that mean staff will lose their jobs if they can't continue on the furlough. If these nurseries have limited numbers it could mean they have to close their doors for good leaving more people unemployed.
Keep children off school/ school nursery and private nurseries etc until it's 100% safe for children, staff and parents to return. I understand parents want their children back to school but let's put their's and others health 1st
I don't think it's financially substantial for private nurseries to open up again for limited children and staff as I know most of the private nurseries that tried to stay open for the key workers children ended up closing as they didn't have many children and it wasn't financial beneficial. Does the owners of the nurseries have to choose the staff/ children if they are only allowed limited numbers and does that mean staff will lose their jobs if they can't continue on the furlough. If these nurseries have limited numbers it could mean they have to close their doors for good leaving more people unemployed.
Keep children off school/ school nursery and private nurseries etc until it's 100% safe for children, staff and parents to return. I understand parents want their children back to school but let's put their's and others health 1st
Why the contribution is important
Because it's 100% truthful
by Disneyland on May 06, 2020 at 06:36PM
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