Schools opening

Staff and pupils could return on a phased basis( vulnerable children, keyworker children ) but would have to be tested weekly to ensure no chance of spreading virus. Over a period of time more children could attend school but, again, must be tested before allowing to attend. Assemblies and lunches would be done in small class sizes.

Why the contribution is important

It will allow schools to open more quickly and safely- although the data isn’t clear if children are more likely to spread the virus we should be focusing on them being tested before other groups. Ensuring staff are also tested means that the schools should be a virus free environment

by Teacher2020 on May 05, 2020 at 01:04PM

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  • Posted by Kirklistonjohn May 06, 2020 at 02:30

    Remote teaching should be increased but be more focused and teacher led - especially create the opportunity for one to one video links for tutorials between teacher and pupil.
    This would take the weight of parents especially key workers and those working at home and tap in to the vast teacher at home resource.
  • Posted by Stephenaitken123 May 06, 2020 at 07:34

    There is no definitive clinical evidence children spread the virus and I am not in favour of testing children which is divisive and leads to social stigma for children if done incorrectly, however it makes absolute sense to get children back to school as soon as possible.
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