Schools return
I want to first complement the government on their handling of this crisis. I am a head teacher and probably shouldn't admit that I am not interested in politics.
I am however interested in children and volunteer at our hub for children of key workers.
Please, please do not send primary schools back too early. Transition is important for many vulnerable children and I believe that we are able to safely organise transition from Nursery to Primary 1 and Primary 7 to Academy safely and supportively in a remote manner whilst not being in school buildings before the holidays. In fact, like many others, this is already some way through the planning process.
We are able to provide remote learning and, although this does not replace class teaching, by placing the emphasis on health and wellbeing and family support, it is expected that the majority of our children will return to school in a good place to learn. Let us do the rest!
I am no expert on academy education but this could free up primary school buildings in each cluster to be used for academy purposes if needed and I know that the HTs in my cluster would do everything to accommodate this if required.
I am however interested in children and volunteer at our hub for children of key workers.
Please, please do not send primary schools back too early. Transition is important for many vulnerable children and I believe that we are able to safely organise transition from Nursery to Primary 1 and Primary 7 to Academy safely and supportively in a remote manner whilst not being in school buildings before the holidays. In fact, like many others, this is already some way through the planning process.
We are able to provide remote learning and, although this does not replace class teaching, by placing the emphasis on health and wellbeing and family support, it is expected that the majority of our children will return to school in a good place to learn. Let us do the rest!
I am no expert on academy education but this could free up primary school buildings in each cluster to be used for academy purposes if needed and I know that the HTs in my cluster would do everything to accommodate this if required.
Why the contribution is important
By conducting remote transition for most children, only having vulnerable pupils involved in the transition activities that they need, so keeping children and staff out of primary settings until the new session (14 weeks from now instead of anything up to eight weeks if we were to return earlier) we have the best chance of starting the session with a full return to school. Social distancing is not possible in primary schools (in fact, it has not been possible in the hub although we have tried so hard) so we need to ensure the infection rate is extremely low on return.
by Sandra on May 10, 2020 at 07:30PM
Posted by KSTEPHEN May 10, 2020 at 21:15
Remote learning is no substitute for teaching and the attainment gap will widen further.
Also the hub seems to more about childcare than teaching.
It would be helpful if some limited teaching could be carried out as key workers are then trying to teach their tired children in the evening.
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Posted by ardoch May 10, 2020 at 22:40
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Posted by Hamiltoes May 10, 2020 at 23:00
There doesn’t seem to be any research appearing on how this is actually affecting children. Their development and their mental health, specifically.
The only thing we know for sure is that they are pretty much unaffected by the virus.
Children need to go back to normality for their own well being, and parents need to go back to work. This has to be a priority.
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