Scottish Horseracing
I want to make a plea for the elderly people, many of whom are part of the shielding group and many of whom have no internet. Horse racing is a wonderful hobby, not just for betting but for interest. As horseracing is now taking place safely in many countries like Australia and France, with plans to restart in England, I wish to make a plea that the Scottish Government considers re- starting racing in Scotland behind closed doors. There is a wider economical issue, as many of our racecourse struggle financially, but there are ways to hold racing safely. A course like Ayr could even hold many spectators safely with some reorganisation. Please consider the amount of interest lost by elderly people especially.
Why the contribution is important
See above, importance to elderly population. Being overshadowed by other issues.
by Latona7 on May 11, 2020 at 01:03PM
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