Scottish Islands

Shetland is not one island. Test the isles with small populations and lift lockdown internally. Inter-island ferries are essential travel only. The majority of the population of around 23,000 is on the mainland around Lerwick. Some isles have less than 50 people, others less than 1000.

Why the contribution is important

Lockdown should be for the minimum time possible.

by Braynis on May 05, 2020 at 05:04PM

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  • Posted by brianshetland May 05, 2020 at 20:00

    Consideration should be given to easing lockdown in the whole Shetland Islands, allowing opening of the indoor leisure and business facilities such as the local cinema, sports centres, cafes, pubs and restaurants, and shops, and allowing residents out of home to visit such facilities. This would be on the basis of a re-introduction locally in Shetland of test, trace, isolate and support, and the maintaining of current restrictions on travel into Shetland both by plane and ferry, limited to essential workers etc.
  • Posted by MargaretR19 May 06, 2020 at 08:34

    Agree with local measures but still need a local step by step plan
  • Posted by Movy May 06, 2020 at 14:16

    I would be very concerned about lifting any lockdown until the R number was well below 1, preferably virtually 0, and local test, track and isolate facilities were immediately available in an emerging locality should an outbreak occur.
    If it is lifted too early, then the R number will inevitiably increase resulting in exponential transfer of the virus.
    Local measures may well be right, where localities are both safe and can be protected. The recent disaster in Skye is a case in point.
    Urgent consideration to closing and monitoring traffic at the Skye Bridge should be given.
  • Posted by WMPC May 06, 2020 at 14:28

    Some of the Scottish Islands have had no reported cases over the past few weeks - I do not see how the Government could not also trial the NHS app within these areas where there is no/an extremely low rate of infection and start introducing main key activities of life to generate some economic and social benefits back to Scotland and the UK.
  • Posted by Ginakeenan May 06, 2020 at 17:33

    We have low rates of infection because we have had only essential travel . This is the way it should stay till it's safe to lift restrictions !!
  • Posted by Kylesku May 06, 2020 at 21:13

    Its nuts that the same policy is applied in the Western Isles as to the big cities. Common sense Risk management is required here. Why ruin the economy of the rual communities just to keep them the same as the urban areas ?
  • Posted by HT2020 May 10, 2020 at 08:32

    I am an island resident and do not believe we should be treated any differently to the rest of Scotland. We must adhere to Government guidelines.
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