Scottish Residency Fund

Implement a non means tested source of income for all Scottish residents. This will make sure no one is left behind or falling through the cracks into poverty.
This income should be available easily too all and after it has high usage then other government provided incomes should be phased out and replaced by it such as SAAS, state pensions, carer allowances, working tax credits, job seekers and all other forms of goverment provided assistance.
This will stabilize and improve the economy from the bottom up giving breathing room with out the stress of the current failing systems and harsh sanctions to those at them bottom, giving additional buying power to those in the middle to prop up businesses without giving the businesses direct and ineffective tax breaks and bailouts.
The amount of this income would need to be carefully considered, enough to survive on, covering all outgoings for the people 100% reliant on it. The benefit of doing this in a non means tested way is that at no point will people be better off financially by not working this will also help to stimulate the economy and enable more people into work.

Why the contribution is important

A stable and fair system for income is crucial at this time, the pandemic has shown the glaring flaws in the current system and that the methods used to deal with the last financial crisis were ineffective, trickle down economics do not work and have seen the gulf between the wealthy few and the rest widen considerably. Corporations should have their profits taxed at a high rate to encourage them to reinvest in their companies and to give the goverment the income it needs to take effective actions to end poverty.

Scotland should lead from the front on supporting the people from the bottom up.

by Minimoomin on May 07, 2020 at 08:52AM

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  • Posted by mags14 May 07, 2020 at 10:26

    This has been trialed in countries such as Finland and in principal it seems economically sound and fair to our society. I would like to see this debated fully in the Scottish Parliament.
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