Sea kayaking is essential excercise - please allow it

Not everyone can keep fit using legs.
Sea kayaking is essential part of many people's lives, crucial for physical and mental health.
Sea kayaking accidents needing medical attention are too few in comparison to cycling ones, therefore it isn't justifiable to keep people off the water and let them get fat and depressed, putting a pressure on NHS later. If people continue with social distancing, there is nothing against responsible sea kayaking. You meet a lot of people whilst walking or jogging or cycling, you meet no one on the water.

Please allow individual sea kayaking or with members of the household. Kept local if necessary.

Why the contribution is important

To people like me sea kayaking is the difference between healthy body and mind and sick body and mind. I feel far from healthy at the moment.

by GleannDubhLighe on May 09, 2020 at 10:05AM

Current Rating

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Based on: 8 votes


  • Posted by wisteria May 09, 2020 at 10:15

    I see no reason why one shouldn’t continue with this sport if it involves nobody but the participant.
  • Posted by CarrieFortune May 09, 2020 at 10:24

    I actually think sea kayaking is relatively dangerous and could result in an accident or hell being required. Maeve Kennedy has just been killed while sea kayaking during lockdown in the USA and required a team out looking for her.
  • Posted by JLMBD May 09, 2020 at 14:24

    Only if you can 100% guarantee that you will never need help, have an accident, get caught by the tidal flow, trapped in a stopper or fall out and get too exhausted to get back in.
  • Posted by Kittiwake May 10, 2020 at 08:31

    I can walk my kayak to the sea, only go out when it’s flat calm and obviously achieve maximum social distancing. It would be far less risky than me using ladders and power tools at home!
  • Posted by dave2244 May 10, 2020 at 21:07

    All watersports carry an element of risk and if an incident happens then it requires a response from the RNLI and Coastguard. These responders cannot socially distance in a boat or rescue vehicle so are being exposed to a higher risk of contracting Coronavirus. This can lead to whole teams being offline and reducing the coastal cover for the area.

    It may not be you that requires the assistance but someone who is less competent and has been influenced into going out by seeing others partaking in the activity
  • Posted by Ace May 11, 2020 at 12:16

    Everything in life carries an element of risk. At some point we have to elevate ourselves out of the paranoia about undertaking activities. Outdoor activity providers need to go back to work and it is far safer to be outdoors in the fresh air exercise using than staying at home and worrying about the what ifs. I have friends in the lifeboat service and they have no issues with going out on the boat to rescue someone if it is needed. The biggest risk to society is people driving their cars. The biggest risk to society is not covid 19 it's the health issues that people are going to have because of the process of dealing with the potential of getting it. The potential is what is going to over whelm the health service in the future. Health and wellbeing in whatever form that comes in will alleviate this future potential burden.
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