Second home including static caravans!

I can’t see any harm in people being able to visit and stay at their second homes/static caravans. It’s not as if they will be using shared facilities at all and will be able to continue to social distance. Our second hikes/caravans need to be maintained and cannot continue to be left much longer without being checked on.

Caravan parks may close for good if they aren’t occupied and fees paid. Most people who have caravans don’t travel too far from home because they don't want to travel too far each weekend etc so most wouldn’t put any extra strain on rural services.

Why the contribution is important

It’s peoples property, they need to make sure it’s secure damp and damage free for starters. It could be costly if things are just left. Caravans need to be opened up and aired in this weather.

Also for peoples mental well-being, especially if they live in flats etc and have no garden to spend time in during the warmer weather.

People are worrying about whether or not they are going to have to pay for site fees etc even though the sites are closed and they’re not allowed to use their caravans. It would be good to get clarification from the government on this as some are not charging full fees but some are. Some are taking a nominal amount for storage, just as they do for the winter period. Some are too greedy and forcing people to pay up or leave knowing full well that if they choose to leave the caravan owners will have to pay to get the caravan transported or sell back to the warden who will offer a knockdown price for the caravan and sell for double.

by Laffy01224 on May 09, 2020 at 08:10AM

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  • Posted by moragpaterson May 09, 2020 at 08:20

    While I'm not denying that people need to be able to look after their property (maybe local managers are a good bet in the interim, that's what we'll be doing) there is a danger from people travelling from different regions and cities into small rural areas and using the local services, shops, pubs etc So maybe there should be a requirement to bring your food and drink provisions with you to avoid interactions with the locals?
  • Posted by sunshinethrough May 09, 2020 at 08:38

    Sorry no freedom of movement around the country is possible until the NHS staff confirm that they are able to cope with all aspects of covid19 epidemic AND normal NHS functions.
  • Posted by janeyjane May 09, 2020 at 08:42

    I don't agree. We live in a remote rural area and are very concerned that tourists will bring Covid 19 with them. I don't agree with second home ownership in principal.
  • Posted by Laffy01224 May 09, 2020 at 09:10

    Sites are closed so managers are not on the site to be able to check on the property.

    Many people use their caravan as their main holiday and as a place for respite. Due to mobility issues I do not go abroad so this is my way of getting away from my flat and the stairs. I certainly don’t go to mix with people and I’ve been at home for the past 7 weeks so there’s no chance of covid contamination from me and most others who have statics are the same.

    I take what I need with as our site has no shops etc nearby so no added pressure on the local community though it does amaze me how many local people are welcome for visitors to spend fortunes in the community but say we shouldn’t be able to use our own property because they don’t agree with it.

    As for second home ownership, why not? As long as people are paying for the property and all amenities I can’t see why not if people can afford it. I wish I could but couldn’t afford to though I’m not jealous nor have any problem with others doing so.
  • Posted by Jonathan19 May 09, 2020 at 10:09

    When people move to a second home they may marginally increase the risk of transmission in the area they move too, but they are often moving out of big congested cities, and decreasing the risk there, where hospitals are most at risk.

    The net effect is a decrease in the total R-number across the entire Scottish population. It should be encouraged, if anything g
  • Posted by JennyBee May 09, 2020 at 11:25

    This seems reasonable to me. I appreciate that second home owners are often disliked, but a caravan owner is hardly removing housing stock from the market! The tourists who use them do bring valuable and essential benefits to the area in the way of using shops etc, and I am somewhat dismayed that the Covid19 seems to have been hijacked as a way to " get at " second home owners, and caravan owners. This is hardly the time for political point scoring.
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