Second homes

Allow second home owners to visit their properties.

Why the contribution is important

This allows the properties to be looked after. Our property has not been visited since February, and needs an internal check, turn the heating off and so on. The garden also needs to be looked after. With heating still being on this is costing money which is challenging at this time.

by Lauraal on May 08, 2020 at 07:45AM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.6
Based on: 15 votes


  • Posted by StAndrews May 08, 2020 at 08:36

    Allow a single visit by one person to do a maintenance check please. Not a holiday or a trip - a short visit to do an essential check - own transport etc
  • Posted by BarWat May 08, 2020 at 08:40

    Completely agree. One person could drive there, check house, tidy garden, not interact with anyone there and return thus fully distancing.
  • Posted by Fiona1 May 08, 2020 at 09:36

    People should be allowed to use their own second homes once lockdown starts to ease as long as they are adhering to the social distancing. They pay for the home and need to be able to check the house is still in order and not falling into disrepair. Second home owners also contribute to the local economy alot of which is usually seasonal and as a shop owner I would like to see second home owners be able to return to the village. I do not agree with them letting their homes out etc but see no reason for them not to return to their own second homes.
  • Posted by user1234 May 08, 2020 at 16:02

    I believe people should be permitted to stay in their own private static caravan. In my situation my caravan is much more isolated than my home and I come into much less contact with other people there than I do in my house. It is totally self contained so I would not have to use communal shower or toilet blocks. It is also within 20 miles of my home so I would still be using the same main supermarket than if I were at home and also the same hospital should I fall ill so would put no more strain on the local area than if I was at home. This would help greatly with the mental ability to cope with an extended lockdown.
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